Flexible Fueling Online Coaching

    Innovator In Flexible Dieting & Originator In Online Coaching.

As you might already be aware, I’ve been offering training programs and IIFYM guidelines online now for several years and have helped many happy and successful clients from all around the world to meet their fitness and recovery related goals.

The main difference between Flexible Fueling and most other IIFYM or CI/CO based approaches is that rather than attempting to restrict indefinitely to greater and greater extremes of caloric deficit, our focus is on building towards optimal levels of fueling to best perform at, recover from, and adapt to training with the best and most sustainable results in terms of lean athletic condition.

There are a number of variations on the approach that we can customise and fine tune to best meet your needs.

Included in the program: 

  • Custom, Long Term Flexible Fueling Sports Nutrition Strategy.
  • Custom Training Program.
  • SO MUCH exclusive content on the Flexible Fueling website.
  • Private Support Group with myself and some really nice people on Facebook.
    • Mandatory Participation on Tuesdays, Thursdays & Sundays.
    • Shoot me a private message any time you need me as well.

More information, pricing and registration: 

Check out all of the free content on the Flexible Fueling website for all of the finer details. There is no "hard sell" here; you need to make an educated decision to come on board ready for action!

Flexible Fueling For Recovery Goals:

Past clients have insisted that I must let you know that this program is suitable for those who have recovery goals and relapse avoidance concerns. However, I suggest that it is very important that you fully investigate all of the information available in the VIP Section of my Flexible Fueling website and check in with me to discuss your circumstances and make an informed decision on whether or not this approach is right for you.


There are lots more reviews on my facebook page.

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